schema | EmbeddedModelSchema | | [optional] |
id | String | | |
created | GroupedTimestamp | | |
updated | GroupedTimestamp | | |
deleted | GroupedTimestamp | | [optional] |
type | PersonType | | |
assets | FlattenedAssets | | [optional] |
mechanisms | Map<String, MechanismEnum> | This is a Map<String, MechanismEnum>** where the the key is an asset id. | [optional] [default to const ] |
interactions | int | This is an optional value that will keep track of the number of times this has been interacted with. | [optional] |
access | Map<String, PersonAccess> | This is a Map<String, PersonAccess>** where the the key is an asset id. | [optional] [default to const ] |
tags | FlattenedTags | | [optional] |
websites | FlattenedWebsites | | [optional] |
models | Map<String, PersonModel> | This is a Map<String, PersonModel>**, where the the key is an asset id. | [optional] [default to const ] |
annotations | FlattenedAnnotations | | [optional] |
score | Score | | [optional] |
summaries | FlattenedWorkstreamSummaries | | [optional] |